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Classes Offered

Classes are offered based on enrollment, age, and skill level. Please be aware that if there are not enough students interested in a course, that course may not be offered. A new schedule with course offerings is built each year following the school calendar (August - June).


(Age 3+)

An exciting first class for a student of any age! Tap dancing uses our feet to create a rhythm. Students will learn a progression of rudiments and motor skills which progress into tricks, turns, and theatrical tap work. 

(Ages 3+)

Another great class for beginner students, this one being more calm, and elegant. Students will use basic steps and motor skills to progress their ballet technique. Students will learn about muscular anatomy and how the muscles work together to create beautiful lines and steps. We currently offer classical, lyrical, and Cecchetti styles and pointe work.


What is Cecchetti Ballet?


(Age 3+)

This is another recommendation as a first class for a young student. Acrobatics is focused on strengthening and flexibility training to learn tumbling skills and tricks. Progressions are taught to prioritize safety. 

(must have teacher's permission to join class)

This class incorporates a mix of Modern Dance, Ballet, and Contemporary movements. Students will learn floor work, improvization, and head-over-heel focused movements along with core strengthening exercises. This class has a corequisite of ballet. Students must have already taken one year of ballet, get teacher's approval, and continue in a ballet class in order to take this class. 


(Must have teacher's permission to join class)

In this class, students will learn a progression of stylized movements using leaps, turns, footwork, isolations, and floor work. Styles may include but are not limited to Luigi, Fosse, and Giordano. Students must have already taken one year of ballet class and continue taking ballet to take this class. 

Hip Hop
(Ages 3+)

A fun mix of exercises, street dancing, and strengthening for all ages. Hip Hop class encourages students to think outside the box while having fun! Students may also learn some acrobatic moves, jumps, turns, and tricks according to strength and skill level. 


(Age 3+)

Students will learn a variety of tricks in the style of dance twirl. Jazz and/or acrobatic skills may also be combined according to skill level. 

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